
What's Better, Wood or Vinyl Fencing?

Once you've decided you need a new fence, the next step is to decide what type of fence it should be. Wood and vinyl are both great choices, so how do you decide which is right for you? Take some time to review the pros and cons of both. Wood Fencing Wood fencing is the classic choice. Many people love the traditional look of a wood fence. In fact, this look is so popular that a wooden fence can increase a home's value. Why do people like wood so much? Well, there are many advantages. First of all, wood has [...]

March 10, 2022|blogs, Fences|

Why the Price of Lumber Is Skyrocketing

With chaos ensuing within the financial sector in 2021 and moving into 2022, one item that otherwise dodges inflation and market fluctuations now costs an arm and a leg to purchase, lumber. Whether you're a contractor, a real-estate investor, a builder, or someone making renovations on your home, the price to complete the project is staggering. If you've found yourself scratching your head at the register while watching your bank account dwindle before your eyes, here's what you need to know about the skyrocketing cost of lumber. How the Coronavirus and the Global Pandemic Inflated An Archaic Industry Simply put, [...]

February 16, 2022|blogs, Wood|

Can I Put More Than One Gate in My Fence?

Armor Fence has been creating high-quality fences, decks, and patios since 1992. And one of the most common questions we hear is if it’s possible to put an extra gate into a fence. The quick answer is yes, it’s possible to have more than one gate. […]

January 25, 2022|blogs|

5 Tips For Maintaining Your Fence in The Winter

Winter is a time when you might see some or all of your fence starting to sag and buckle. It's the perfect time to take a few precautions and be sure your fence can stand up against the elements as winter turns into spring. The elements are harsher during the winter months, and your fence is under more stress. If you are struggling to maintain your fence during the winter, here are 5 tips that may help. […]

January 19, 2022|blogs, Fences|

Tips for Maintaining Your Vinyl Fence

For many years, vinyl fencing has been considered one of the best fencing options in the world. It is no wonder why many homeowners are turning to vinyl for their fencing projects. While it may be manufactured from plastic-based materials made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), vinyl fences are also highly durable, versatile, and affordable. Aside from that, one major benefit that attracts homeowners to this fencing option is its maintenance. […]

December 10, 2021|blogs|

3 Backyard Issues a Fence Can Solve

Over the years, the number of American households that have installed fences has increased. While this may be due to aesthetic reasons, there are many benefits to installing a fence around your home. For example, installing a fence around your home today can raise your property’s resale value by up to 50% depending on the type of fence used and the material it is made out of.  […]

November 8, 2021|blogs, Fences|

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