Wood privacy fencing will provide added security & reduced noise, keeping your property and pets safe while offering increased privacy for homeowners who live near busy roads or in very populated neighborhoods. Armor Fence, Deck & Patio installs privacy fences throughout Northern Va and beyond.
A privacy fence offers a bit of seclusion and extra comfort knowing that you can come and go on your property as you please. We love our privacy and are sure you do to! Call today for a FREE ESTIMATE on a WOOD PRIVACY FENCE. # (540) 535-7409
Some of the most popular styles of wood privacy fencing include:
- Stockade or Solid Fence:
Constructed with the boards placed tightly against one another, giving you a solid panel. - Board on Board:
Constructed with an overlapping pattern of vertical slats where every other board is attached to the opposite side of the fence rails. This creates a slight break in the fence where if you stand at an angle, you get a slight view of what’s on the other side. - Board and Batten:
similar to a stockade fence, but it has narrow battens (or bars) over the joints for a more finished look. This is also known as a tongue and groove fence.
One of the additional benefits of a privacy fence is that you can also design a custom top for additional height or privacy. Homeowners often choose decorative latticework as a way to extend the fence’s height while also providing some extra visual appeal. Lattice on top is decorative and also makes you feel less closed in as more light can come in.
Free Estimates
We are happy to provide this service without any obligation to ever purchase from us. You’ll be surprised to learn all the possibilities we offer. Get in touch with us today at (540) 535-7409 or fill out one of our handy forms and someone will be in touch with you within 24 hours to schedule and estimator out to your home at a convenient time for you.